This refreshing fruit smoothie is perfect for a low methionine diet while still being satisfying. Pineapple is high in bromelain an enzyme found in pineapple that can help relieve pain an improve joint function.
With less than 30 mg of methionine for breakfast, it allows me to add more food at lunch in the middle of my day where I need it the most to target my low 125-150 mg of methionine per day. Basically my goal is to have around 40-50mg of methionine per meals, so keeping my breakfast on the low range allows me to add few extras foods during the rest of the day!
**If you take any drugs or supplements, talk to your doctor as it could interact with certain antibiotics, blood thinner, aspirin, NSAID painkillers and cancer drugs.
This smoothie contains 29.8 mg of methionine!
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